Hedgehog Facts For Kids

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Hedgehog Facts For Kids

    for kids

  • The Sport Ju-Jutsu system for kids is designed to stimulate movement and to encourage the kids natural joy of moving their bodies. The kids train all exercises from Sport Ju-Jutsu but many academys leave out punches and kicks for their youngest athlethes.
  • Virtual Stadium Tours
  • 4Kids Entertainment (commonly known as 4Kids) is a Worldwide International American film and television production company. It is known for English-dubbing Japanese anime, specializing in the acquisition, production and licensing of children’s entertainment around the United States.


  • small nocturnal Old World mammal covered with both hair and protective spines
  • A hedgehog is any of the spiny mammals of the subfamily Erinaceinae and the order Erinaceomorpha. There are 17 species of hedgehog in five genera, found through parts of Europe, Asia, Africa, and New Zealand.
  • A nocturnal insectivorous Old World mammal with a spiny coat and short legs, able to roll itself into a ball for defense
  • Any other animal covered with spines, esp. a porcupine
  • porcupine: relatively large rodents with sharp erectile bristles mingled with the fur


  • A piece of information used as evidence or as part of a report or news article
  • (fact) a piece of information about circumstances that exist or events that have occurred; “first you must collect all the facts of the case”
  • (fact) a statement or assertion of verified information about something that is the case or has happened; “he supported his argument with an impressive array of facts”
  • A thing that is indisputably the case
  • (fact) an event known to have happened or something known to have existed; “your fears have no basis in fact”; “how much of the story is fact and how much fiction is hard to tell”
  • Used in discussing the significance of something that is the case

hedgehog facts for kids

hedgehog facts for kids – The Elegance

The Elegance of the Hedgehog
The Elegance of the Hedgehog
Renee is the concierge of a grand Parisian apartment building, home to members of the great and the good. Over the years she has maintained her carefully constructed persona as someone reliable but totally uncultivated, in keeping, she feels, with society’s expectations of what a concierge should be. But beneath this facade lies the real Renee: passionate about culture and the arts, and more knowledgeable in many ways than her employers with their outwardly successful but emotionally void lives. Down in her lodge, apart from weekly visits by her one friend Manuela, Renee lives resigned to her lonely lot with only her cat for company. Meanwhile, several floors up, twelve-year-old Paloma Josse is determined to avoid the pampered and vacuous future laid out for her, and decides to end her life on her thirteenth birthday. But unknown to them both, the sudden death of one of their privileged neighbours will dramatically alter their lives forever. By turn moving and hilarious, this unusual novel became the top-selling book in France in 2007 with sales of over 900,000 copies to-date.

Timothy Tolbain -Human

Timothy Tolbain -Human
Timothy Tolbain- The Werewolf Boy, born of Lycanthropy from his parents side. Transforms every Full Moon. (Lycantropin)

Age: 18-24 (ageless at 8)- DOB: June 13th, 1986
Height: 3’6 on flat feet; 4’7 on base of feet
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue

Timothy was born to both Lycan parents & shared a life like any other kid, but with a few questions regarding his earlier life.

For years, Timmy has had constant dreams that he was running on all fours through the woods, preying on animals, and seeing what looked liked his parents as Wolf-Like people. In reality, it was Timothy sleepwalking every Full Moon as a Werewolf.
It was only when Tim was 8 years old that he found out that he was a Werewolf & had witnessed his first Transformation into a Werewolf, even though he had seen himself Transform before, but was too young too remember that event. 😀

Although Timothy strictly prefers to be Naked whenever he can, he will however wear occasional Shirts with Pants/Shorts with different trademark designs on his shirt like; Batman, T2, Blade Runner, Superman, Wolverine & other logo’s on them.

Timmy also has a very strong dislike for any kind of foot wear, and goes BAREFOOT all the time, aside from Skool, which irritates him Horribly & interrupts his concentration, which is due to the fact that he has the BIGGEST Feet in his school.
All Werewolves have a natural habit to go Naked/Barefoot & have no shame or embarrassment about it.

Food: Meat (raw/cooked) fast food, pizza, ice cream, cheeseburgers, etc.
Hobbies: Video Games, music, exploration, movies, DVD’s, etc.
Movies: Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Blade Runner, STAR WARS, Superman: The Movie, Rambo II, Batman.
Music: Weird Al Yankovic, 80’s, Movie Soundtracks, Rock, Techno, etc.
Other: BIG Fan of Sonic the Hedgehog, and has a rare form of Kaiser’s Syndrome which is only apparent in Lycanthropes.
Secret: Hates his brother, Jake Tolbain, with a Passion & blames him for his parents death, and had once questioned his own Humanity as a Werewolf for a long time in his mid-late teens.

Sony Playstation 2 Games (03/21/2012)

Sony Playstation 2 Games (03/21/2012)
These are the games I have on PS2. I remember Spider-Man as my first game, and it looked so amazing when it first came out. It was the game that showed me what the system could do. And all these games came after that. Great system, even in 2012.

hedgehog facts for kids

Covered in needle-sharp bristles, hedgehogs are not to be tangled with.
Born blind and deaf, a hedgehog’s spines begin to emerge before its senses develop. The bristles are structured in a way that will not harm the hedgehog or the mother. These pointy bristles are stiff, hollow hairs which thicken into a ball shape under the hedgehog’s skin. A hedgehog’s primary defense against a predator is to raise its spines — which are controlled by tiny individual muscles — and then to curl up into a ball with its spines pointing in every direction. This leaves a hole smaller than the size of a fingertip for the predator to deal with. Hedgehogs are generally eight inches long and live to be a few years old. Known as omnivores, these mammals love to eat insects, amphibians, bird eggs, fungi, melons, berries, and snakes. Hedgehogs can eat snakes thanks to their immunity to snake venom, the result of an extra protein found in their body.
Fun Facts: An average adult hedgehog carries about five thousand, inch-long spines.
Zoological Name: Erinaceus europaeus
Conservation Status: Common
Primary Habitat: Forest
Global Home: Europe